Trade Union

Registration of Trade Union under The Trade Union Act, 1926
Maximum Number of Days after complete application is submitted: 45 Days.

- ✔ Scan Copy of Schedule I. ✔ Scan Copy of Schedule II. ✔ Scan Copy of Schedule III (Optional). ✔ Scan Copy of Preceeding. ✔ Scan Copy of Affidavit. ✔ Scan Copy of Officers Detail.
“₹ 100”
1. Any group of seven or more persons can form a Trade Union.
2. No Trade Union of the workmen shall be registered unless at least 10% or 100, which ever is less, persons engaged or employed in the Establishment or industry with which it is connected are the members of such trade union on the date of making of application for registration.
3. The minimum age limit for membership of a Trade Union is 18 years unless the rules of a particular trade union provide for higher age limit.
4. Every application for registration of a Trade union shall be made in (Form A) appended to the Trade Unions Act 1926 before the Registrar of Trade Unions and shall be accompanied by a copy of Rules of the trade union and a statement giving following particulars.
≡ Names, occupations and address of the members making application.
≡ The name of the Trade union and the address of its lead Office.
≡ The titles, names, ages addresses and occupations of the (office bearers) of the trade union as per format given in Form A appended to the
Trade Unions Act 1926.
⋆ In addition, the following documents are required to be submitted along with the application form:
≡ Schedule I
≡ Schedule II
≡ Schedule III (optional)
≡ Affidavit from General Secretary of Union